What an eventful week! We began staff training this week (all week) which was a real blessing because we begin our meetings always with prayer and a devotional. I got to conduct the one on Tuesday which I did on our covenant relationship to these kids and their parents. We've gone through Tactical Officer training, their handbook, expectations, discipline of students, psychology, student needs, uniform issue and regulations, etc., etc., etc. We did manual labor out in the wilderness area by hanging ropes, lawn work in the basic training facility, and housekeeping in the that facility too. The commandant and I taught the teachers basic drill, and generally got to know them. It was an eventful week.
On top of all that, our family is trying to get moved into our home. We are in it now, but have a tremendous amount to unpack still. We've been spending money like it's going out of style on things to make our house a home, all the while making new friends and attending lunches at the dining facility. If you think about us when you 're praying, remember us and all that we still have to do to get settled. We helped some friends move in to their new house the first week we were here and they are already settled. Of course she had adult help from her mother and aunt. We have the tendency to stay up too late and take lots of breaks in addition to regular work and getting our daughter ready to start college next weekend.
We were concerned that we would not be able to get Katy a computer for school (or she would have to use a large desktop computer in her room) and my dad was able to get her old computer up and working. It was mine at first when I bought it in January of 2007, then it became Trey's in 2008 when he started college, and then became Katy's this past spring when Trey bought himself a Macintosh. We made some fine upgrades during the repair and now it will accommodate all of her picture taking and iTunes purchases.
We had a great week seeing old friends from Colorado Springs. The Saks were in Jackson visiting friends just in time for Katy's birthday last Monday. We brought their son Daniel to hang out with us for a few days and Katy got to spend the night with her friend Anna. When I picked her up I took her for Dunkin Donuts coffee and Harry Potter for a daddy-date.
This week will shape up to be very busy, but hopefully very promising. Please be praying for us as we have about 30 scared and/or defiant boys who we will be receiving and training this week. I'll let you know how that went.
Pretty cool man, seems like God is laying things out well and start to work seems like fun.